Gus Walz is My Hero

by Rev. Dr. Tom Martinez

In today’s culture war we’re all victims of the age-old idea that manliness is primarily evidenced by controlling and repressing emotions. This was made clear by the reaction to Gus Walz’ open display of emotion during the Democratic National Convention.  Images of Gus crying quickly became a lightning rod for the cruelest ridicule. But what are we making fun of? A son’s love of his dad. Is that really deserving of the wave of cruelty it elicited? Or could it be an indication that at the dawn of the 21st century there is deep confusion as to what it means to be a man?  

It’s easy to bully any sign of weakness. That’s why bullying is so rampant. But it’s far more challenging to grasp why such a beautiful moment quickly became weaponized. Yes, it has a lot to do with the radical divide in the country. We’re like sharks in our ability to detect any hint of vulnerability which we then pounce on like so many Great Whites. Biden shows his age or Trump fumbles a question and everyone’s ready to pounce. It’s as if we’re all back in middle school, consumed by fear and the aggression that shields us from our humanity. 

The truth is we’re all aging, we all fumble questions or fail to put our best foot forward. We’re imperfect, vulnerable creatures trying to find our way in the world. But attacking each other isn’t the answer. Instead, we need to step back and assess the ways in which our culture has socialized men to hide their feelings. Women would have an easier time of it if more men were to begin to explore their masculinity with a wider range of ideals than the lone ranger mentality offered up by the likes of John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson. 

John Wayne is often demonized for having made such a major contribution to the patriarchal ideal. And while the problem is of course bigger than Wayne, I find it fascinating that when he appeared before a group of Veterans their reaction was to boo him. These were men who had experienced the harsh reality of combat, many of them propelled by the swaggering image of a fearless gunmen out to get the bad guys. They had discovered that war is not glamorous or thrilling, but horrific and wounding. 

Therapists like Ed Tick, who work with traumatized Vets, know that the path toward healing involves a dismantling of the macho image of invulnerability. Ed has taken countless groups of Veterans back to Viet Nam, where they have the opportunity to process the trauma of war, and to thereby enlarge their frame of reference by which they understand what happened to them, what they did, what was done to them. He frames this work in the symbolism of the hero’s journey, which begins with the patriarchal foundation of enculturation, then descends into the hell of trauma. This descent is an aspect of heroism that takes us beneath the middle-school mentality of invulnerability and cruelty. It requires a Christ-like willingness to enter the wilderness of the soul, to wrestle with our worst and better angels.  

The great developmental psychologist Erik Erikson came to this country to escape Hitler. A brilliant theorist by nature, he plumbed the depths of fascism, asking what in the world made it possible for so many everyday Germans to throw their support behind a sadistic demagogue. How fascinating that his quest to understand what happened in Germany centered on the generational tensions between fathers and sons. He went on to articulate his insights in a book on Martin Luther, who famously struggled with his relationship with his father. Erikson understood that love for the swaggering dictator is rooted in repressed feelings toward authority. 

It’s no coincidence that Luther himself ushered in a great revolutionary overthrow of Catholicism, the reigning system of power in his day. One of Erikson’s great insights involves the explosive though latent energy permeating society in times of social upheaval. We certainly are living through such a time. Everything from truth itself, to the mystery of gender to whether or not the planet is warming is all up for grabs. 

In the midst of this great upheaval, people long to be free, to have some modicum of power and agency. The temptation is to simply identify a father figure to either worship or oppose. But collective lashing out against the right or left is merely that, a blind lashing out at daddy. The more radical response is to feel one’s way into one’s own power, to figure out why we’re here, what it is that we are meant to do, which is often something far beyond the limited ideologies offered to up by whatever cultural system we’re born into. 

This isn’t to say that all enculturation is flawed. We need role models and mentors. We need spaces where we are tested and pushed and allowed to fail and succeed. This is no doubt why sports loom so large in the world. But the star athlete who beats his wife is far too common, as is the epidemic of domestic abuse in general.  

Legions of men are trapped in an outdated ideal of toughness and control. Meanwhile advances in the social sciences are opening up the complexity of gender, social roles, questions of equality and the challenges associated with our ever-more complex and technologically daunting world. Again, the temptation is to go back to the Lone Ranger and leave it at that. 

But songs like “Billy Don’t Be a Hero” and films like Coming Home, Johnny Got His Gun, The Deerhunter and Born on the Fourth of July all call into question the old ideal of invincibility.  

From what I’ve read it appears Gus Walz is somewhere on the neuro-diversity spectrum, meaning he doesn’t process information like more mainstreamed young adults. That alone should be reason for a certain sober restraint when it comes to judging his show of emotion.  But rather than merely holding back out of compassion, we can marvel at what this extraordinary young man has to teach us. His response was real and honest and spontaneous, pure embodied love by a son for his dad. Seems to me the world could use a little more young men like Gus.   

Rev. Dr. Tom Martinez is the Senior Minister of Desert Palm United Church of Christ in Tempe, AZ.  

The Cheering Kept Me Going

by Rev. Lynne Hinton

Katie Ledecky, the great Olympic swimmer was asked what she thought about while swimming the long 1,500 meter race. She explained that she thought of everyone who had helped her make it to the games, help make her the swimmer she is. She thinks of coaches, family members, friends, teachers, and sees them in her mind’s eye as she swims meter after meter. I heard her interview and immediately thought of Hebrews 12 :1 and the reminder that we are “surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.” Surely, even for those of us who are not Olympic swimmers, we understand the value of having people in our corner, understand that we have made it this far because of the love and support of so many.

 I’ve shared this story before but it really is my favorite Olympic story and since we’re enjoying the games this week, and since Katie Ledecky brought this topic to mind, I decided to muse about this past Olympic event again!

Eric “The Swimmer” Moussambani of Equatorial Guinea was an unlikely hero of the Sydney Olympic Games. The 22-year-old African had only learned to swim the January before the scheduled events. He had only practiced in a 20 meter pool without lane markers, and had never raced more than 50 meters. By special invitation of the International Olympic Committee, under a special program that permits poorer countries to participate even though their athletes don’t meet customary standards, he had been entered in the 100 meter men’s freestyle.

When the other two swimmers in his heat were disqualified because of false starts, Moussambani was forced to swim alone. Eric Moussambani was, to use the words of an Associated Press story about his race, “charmingly inept.” He did not put his head under the water’s surface and flailed wildly to stay afloat. With ten meters left to the finish, he virtually came to a stop. Some spectators thought he might drown! Even though his time was clearly over a minute slower than what he would need to qualify for the next level of competition, the capacity crowd at the Olympic Aquatic Center stood to their feet and cheered Eric on. “You can do it!” They shouted. “You got this! Go! GO!” And applause filled the stadium.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, this young African athlete finally reached the wall and hung on for dear life. When he had caught his breath and regained his composure, the French-speaking Moussambani was interviewed about the event. He was asked how he kept going even though it was clear that it was very difficult for him to complete the race. He said through an interpreter, “I want to send hugs and kisses to the crowd. It was their cheering that kept me going.”

May you hear the cheering for you as you go through your trials. May you remember the love and support of your cloud of witnesses and may you always know the words of the poet Hafiz: “I wish that I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”

The Wisdom of “Praise Allah and Tie Your Camel to the Post”

by Christopher Schouten

I learned a phrase long ago in my spiritual education from the deep well of Sufi wisdom: “Praise Allah and tie your camel to the post.” This phrase offers profound insight into the balance between faith and personal responsibility. On the surface, it appears to be a simple proverb, but its deeper meaning touches on the core of how we live our spiritual and practical lives. We are both divine AND a we are fundamentally a biological, physical reality. As I reflect on this phrase, I find it speaks volumes to me about the interplay between trust in the divine and our own responsibilities in the world, and the partnership we must create between Creator and created in order to not only live up to our own full potential, but also to create the Kin-dom of God on Earth.

The Balance of Faith and Responsibility

At its heart, this saying emphasizes the importance of combining faith with action. “Praise Allah” signifies the need for spiritual devotion and trust in a higher power. It reminds us to acknowledge and revere the divine presence in our lives, to give thanks for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the blessings we receive. This aspect of the phrase encourages us to cultivate a relationship with the divine, to recognize the divity within all of creation, and to surrender our worries and trust that we are cared for by a loving and omnipotent presence.

However, the second part, “tie your camel to the post,” brings in the crucial element of personal responsibility. It underscores that faith alone is not enough; we must also take practical steps to ensure our well-being and the well-being of those we care for. It suggests that while we trust in the divine, we are also expected to use our wisdom, skills, and resources to take care of our duties and responsibilities. This balance prevents us from falling into the trap of passivity or fatalism, where we might otherwise expect things to happen without our active participation.

Practical Application in Daily Life

In our modern context, this wisdom can be applied in numerous ways. For instance, in our professional lives, it means that while we may trust in our abilities and the opportunities that come our way, we must also put in the necessary work and preparation to succeed. We can pray for guidance and support, but we must also draft the proposals, attend the meetings, and refine our skills.

In personal relationships, it means that while we may trust that love and harmony will prevail, we must also engage in open communication, show empathy, and put in the effort to nurture and maintain these bonds. Trust in the goodness of our relationships must be paired with the active work of caring for them.

In terms of personal health and well-being, it suggests that while we might have faith in our body’s ability to heal and thrive, we must also engage in healthy habits, seek medical advice when necessary, and take steps to care for our physical and mental health.

Contrasting with Evangelical Theology: Letting Go vs. Active Participation

Contrasting this with certain strands of evangelical theology, we see a marked difference in the approach to divine intervention and personal responsibility. Phrases like “letting go and letting God” and “Jesus take the wheel” often emphasize a more passive reliance on divine action, suggesting that believers should surrender control entirely and trust that God will handle their challenges. While this perspective can provide comfort and peace, it sometimes leads individuals to abdicate their personal accountability and responsibility. In this framework, there is a tendency to wait for divine intervention rather than actively engaging in problem-solving or taking proactive steps. “Praise Allah and tie your camel to the post” offers a counterbalance, advocating for a partnership between divine trust and human effort. It encourages believers to see themselves as co-creators with God, recognizing that while divine support is essential, their own actions and decisions are equally vital in shaping their lives. This integrated approach fosters a more dynamic and participatory spirituality, where faith and action are seen as complementary forces working together to bring about positive outcomes.

Understanding God’s Plan: Biblical Underpinnings

Determining God’s plan for our lives is a complex and deeply personal journey that involves prayer, reflection, and seeking wisdom from sacred texts. This Sufi philosophy also resonates with many biblical principles, suggesting a harmonious blend of faith and action that can indeed be seen as part of God’s plan for us.

Biblical Underpinnings

  1. Faith and Works: The Bible consistently emphasizes the importance of both faith and works. In James 2:14-17, we read, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? … In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” This passage highlights that true faith is demonstrated through our actions, aligning well with the Sufi emphasis on trusting in God while also taking practical steps.
  2. Responsibility and Stewardship: The parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) teaches about the responsibility of using our gifts and resources wisely. The servants who actively invested their talents were praised, while the one who hid his talent was reprimanded. This parable underscores the idea that we are expected to be proactive and responsible stewards of what God has given us.
  3. Partnership with God: In Philippians 2:12-13, Paul writes, “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill God’s good purpose.” This passage reflects the dual aspect of human effort and divine guidance, suggesting that we are co-creators with God in our spiritual journey.

God’s Plan in Daily Life

Recognizing that God’s plan involves both our trust in God and our active participation can bring clarity and purpose to our daily lives. The Sufi wisdom does not contradict biblical teachings but rather complements them by emphasizing that our faith in God should inspire us to take responsible actions. By praising God and tying our camel to the post, we acknowledge that while we trust in God’s provision and guidance, we also play a crucial role in manifesting God’s plan through our efforts.

In practice, this means seeking God’s will through prayer, studying scripture for guidance, and using our God-given abilities to act responsibly and diligently in our circumstances. By doing so, we honor both the divine and our own human agency, living out a faith that is both trusting and proactive. This integrated approach can help us navigate life’s challenges with confidence, knowing that we are working in partnership with a loving and guiding God.

The Stories We Tell About Mental Health

by Kathryn Andrews, a member of Desert Palm UCC’s W.I.S.E. Committee and Southwest Conference COM A. This is a book review for Disability Pride Month.

Psychiatrists have no definitive explanation for why some of their patients rebound from mental illness while others have an illness “career.” In Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories that Make Us, Rachel Aviv looks beyond neurology and family dynamics. Instead, she asks whether diagnosis and story framing have a role to play in outcomes. Professionals convey a story on an individual level by naming, diagnosing, and providing a prognosis to the patient or the patient’s family. On a macro level, society conveys its own stories about mental health through cultural attitudes or societal stigma.

The author cites herself as an example of the power of framing and story. At age six, Aviv became the youngest known patient with anorexia nervosa, a disorder characterized by extreme calorie restriction. She spent six weeks in a hospital receiving counseling and food. Doctors conveyed the risks of her condition and prognosis to her parents, but did not share details with Aviv herself. It was not until she reached middle school — when friends began experimenting with anorexia — that Aviv began to understand the meaning of the diagnosis. Aviv attributes her emergence from anorexia in part to her ignorance of the societal ideal of thinness. More importantly, at age six Aviv never received the language describing anorexia and never incorporated it into her understanding of herself.

Aviv broadens the narrative to include stories of several others in the “psychic hinterlands” and the impact of environment and ethnic and cultural narratives on their lives. For example, she introduces us to Bapu, a woman from Kerala, India. Western psychiatrists diagnose Bapu with schizophrenia, and her upper-class family abandons her. Upon relocating to another town, Bapu begins to live on the streets. The people she meets there revere her as a saint and request her prayers. Interestingly, a World Health Organization study conducted over three decades found people more likely to “recover” from schizophrenia in developing nations than in developed ones, with some of the best outcomes in India.

In the United States, social norms also have a role to play in outcomes, including the likelihood of self-harm. Based upon 100-year averages, the suicide rate among African Americans is roughly half that of Caucasian Americans. Although the suicide rate for African Americans has risen in recent years, sociologist Kevin Early explains that the black community views suicide as “almost a complete denial of black identity and culture” as it is at odds with enduring.

The author acknowledges that a diagnosis can bring relief to a patient and family bewildered by symptoms’ onset. Aviv writes, by “creating a shared language, contemporary psychiatry can alleviate people’s loneliness, but we may take for granted the impact of its explanations, which are not neutral: they alter the kinds of stories about the self” and “how we understand our potential.” These stories “bear heavily on a person’s sense of self” and desire for treatment. In gathering patients’ stories, Aviv is struck by how easily her life might have taken another direction.

While I do not doubt the effect of story Aviv outlines, limiting information to an adult patient seems paternalistic. Perhaps the diagnosing professional should equip the patient with the diagnosis and treatment options while deferring any prediction about the future. Pat Deegan, a psychologist and schizophrenia patient, agrees that some phases of “recovery” entail the patient’s participation in “planning and work” but rejects the notion that every aspect “can be consciously orchestrated.” Hope remains the wild card, a phenomenon for which psychiatry, psychology, social work, and science cannot account. According to Deegan: “But those of us who have recovered know that this grace is real.”

Pastoral Letter Regarding Christian Nationalism

by Rev. Ken Heintzelman, Senior Minister, Shadow Rock UCC

Dear Friends and Members of Shadow Rock,

It is my tendency to project where I am emotionally onto others. I think this is a human tendency that can be held in check sometimes by empathy, honesty, and objectivity. I can observe what I am feeling, know that it is my feeling, and intellectually check myself with the idea that not everyone is feeling and thinking the same way. Knowing this helps me make space in myself to hear and empathize with other people who are at different places emotionally. All of this is to say that I am feeling some despair over recent history and political events. I do not want to assume everyone is where I am. I want to be the pastor that will be present for all the people even when we may disagree on politics. The deep human needs produced by fear and grief require companionship and transcends politics and my own personal feelings.

What are you feeling? What are you thinking? How are you understanding the whirlwind of political events? Can I offer a progressive faith perspective that may be helpful to some without alienating others? I hope so.

For some, spirituality is a personal and private journey, Church is a place of refuge and is not to be tainted by the ugly events of history. Bringing politics into the worship service is to wreck the sacred time and space, and disturb the peace. I embrace a part of this as my needs sometimes draw me into retreating from the larger picture of life. I retreat from the larger picture of unfolding history to the deeper places of quiet that my soul needs. “Like a deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for you, O God. (Psalm 42:1) Some events, and bringing those events into our shared sacred space, feels like we are polluting the water that promises to refresh us.

In the event of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump we wonder again what kind of society we have become. In the chaos we seek solace and order in the inner world of our spirits. We may fall back and into the promises of a loving and faithful God. The attributes of God and the events of the world do not match up so we retreat in the attributes and promises of God and away from the events of the world.  

For me, as a person with a progressive expression of Christian faith, I have the personal spiritual experience and all the feelings that go with it. However, I can not cut myself off from wondering, seeing, and hoping about God’s higher purposes working through the larger picture of history. This is the rub. There may be several different ways for people to interpret God’s working through the larger picture of history. The idea that God is actively involved with history is part of our Covenant but I think we struggle with knowing what it means, sharing a unified understanding, and embracing it.

For example, look at the different interpretations of the failed assassination attempt of Donald Trump.

  1. Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt because the assassin failed.
  2. Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt because God intervened somehow.
  3. Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt because God intervened somehow, and such intervention is proof of his rightness for America..
  4. Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt because such is the randomness of life. No rhyme, no reason, no meaning.
  5. Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt because such is the randomness of life, yet God’s love, peace, and justice will be the last word in history.

There are probably more ways to interpret the event but I want to focus on # 3 and # 5. Number 3 represents Christian nationalism and number 5 represents a progressive Christian interpretation. First let us look at # 3 and Christian nationalism.

What is Christian nationalism?

The Freedom Forum shares the following as it tries to answer the question.

There is no clean and tidy definition of Christian nationalism since it is not a formal religious denomination or sect with a stated doctrine of beliefs; nor is there any single person or council leading Christian nationalism that oversees followers.

Generally, religious scholars, sociologists and others who study Christian nationalism describe it as a belief that the United States is a country defined by Christianity. In practice, this means:

  • The government should take steps to keep the country’s Christian roots and identity intact.
  • The government should advocate Christian values and pass laws and enact policies that reflect those values.
  • The separation of church and state is not a formal law that should be followed.
  • God’s plan is for the U.S. to be a successful nation based in Christian ideals.

If you are a person in the camp of Christian nationalism then it is an easy step to believe Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt because God intervened somehow, and such intervention is proof of his rightness for America. Is Christian nationalism a legitimate political and religious ideology? They certainly would say it is and many would go so far to say it is the only legitimate political and religious ideology. For the moment let it stand as is but let us outline how a progressive Christian might understand the same event.

My progressive faith steers me to think Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt because such is the randomness of life. The bullet misses Trump but takes the life of Corey Comperatore. My progressive faith steers me to think such is the randomness of life. I am not feeling complacent in a “que sera sera” attitude. I stand in awe of the randomness of life and grieve with the family who lost a husband and father. When we try to over-simplify or over-explain the fairness or unfairness of suffering we find our answers to be inadequate, especially to those who are grieving. Rather than provide answers it is better to offer comfort, presence, and suffer with people. A progressive Christian perspective leaves me with questions and forces me into a decision. Do I rage at the way life is or do I trust the way life is with all of its horrors and beauties? I choose trust and I encourage you to do so as well.

A Christian nationalism perspective depends on bad theology, bad history, and an unholy wedding of religion and politics. In Christian nationalism religion and politics do whatever they need to do to justify each other. In a progressive Christian faith, religion and politics are in a creative tension holding each other accountable to humanity’s greatest ideals.  

This pastoral letter has nothing to do with who you support in the presidential race. It only offers competing perspectives on one historical event. I hope it helps people to understand how there can be such disparate views of the same event, and in turn equip you with clarity that can help you cope, heal, and hope.

I want to end where I began. I am my own person with my own political and religious views and I am your pastor. At the point when you are hurting, grieving, or dying, I do not care what political sign you have in your yard or who you vote for. In that moment I only want to assure you that you are not alone, you do not need to be afraid, and you are loved. This is my greatest sacred privilege and responsibility.


Pastor Ken

The Interruptions of Grace

by Rev. Lynne Hinton

In the first year of my second pastorate I planned a six-week book study for Lent. I selected the topic and bought books for the participants, developed a lesson plan, and was excited about this opportunity to study with the parishioners. On the first Wednesday of Lent, those who had signed up for the class showed up for the beginning night of the study. Everyone was there, including a parishioner who lived nearby the church in a group home and who attended every service at the church.

His name was Larry and I bought him a book and knew he would join the study even though his reading skills were quite limited and the class was a little too advanced for him. On that opening night, I began the session with prayer and immediately launched into the lesson for chapter one when Larry mumbled something. Thinking he was only speaking to the woman sitting next to him, I didn’t address him, but continued to move through the night’s lesson. He spoke out again and it was evident he had something to share.

“What is it Larry?” I asked, hoping it would be something easy that could be attended to and not impede the progress of the study.

He paused a minute and just before I could start the lesson again, he said, “My mama passed this morning.”

Surprised by the announcement, I asked again, “What, Larry?” And he repeated what he had just said. “My mama passed this morning.”

Immediately, everyone in the class began asking more questions, “When, Larry?” “What happened, Larry?” “Had your mother been sick?”

And I suddenly became very aware that the lesson I had planned was not going to go at all like I had expected. Having had some hospice training and knowing Larry, I left the fellowship hall where everyone was gathered, went to a Sunday School classroom and found some paper and crayons. I knew Larry liked to draw and thought he might prefer the opportunity to color a picture of his mother rather than answer more questions. I walked back in the room and placed the paper and box of crayons in front of him.

“Would you like to draw a picture of your mom in heaven?” And Larry instantly picked up a crayon and piece of paper and started coloring and for a minute, I considered the notion that maybe I could continue with the class, let Larry talk if he wanted, return to the conversation about his loss if desired; but, I thought, maybe we could just complete part of the first chapter. And I went back to my seat and was just about to start up again when something happened.

Every other person gathered around that table picked up a piece of paper too. And someone passed around the box of crayons and each one of them took one out and started coloring pictures just like Larry.

“Your mama was a good singer, Larry,” one of the deacons said as he drew. “I’m sure she’s singing in the choir up in heaven.”

“Oh, your mama made the best biscuits, Larry,” another lay leader added, coloring a picture of a woman at a stove. “I bet she’s already cooking up there.”

“And sew! Your mama made the prettiest dresses,” one more chimed in, the crayon moving across the page. And I stopped and just watched. Closed the book, put aside the well-laid plans, shut the folder of all of my carefully created notes, and watched as the leaders of that little parish cared for Larry.

It is, I now know, one of the best images of church I have. These church members putting aside their plans and needs and choosing to color pictures to help a son grieve his mother’s death.

That was the night I learned that sometimes God shows up only when we set aside our agendas, our well-laid strategies, and expectations for what is supposed to happen in church and in our lives and allow the Spirit to do what actually needs to be done.

As you move through your week, making your plans for vacation or family gatherings, for whatever it is you deem important, may you allow room for the interruptions of grace that remind you of what the Spirit wants to do.

“I Could Be Wrong…”

by Rev. Deb Beloved Church

As an Edgar Abbey character famously said, “I thought I was wrong once, but I found out later I was mistaken.”

So it’s not just me who thinks so highly of themselves! Me? Wrong about something? Nah!

My opinions are so well-thought-out; my perspectives, so sincere! My thinking is so thoughtful; my analyses, so all-encompassing!

If you were open-minded enough, if you were more loving, surely you’d come to the same conclusions as I have…

Who’s with me??

Apparently not the 8th-century BCE Israelite prophet Micah, who famously declared: “God has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

In a course we’re using at White Rock Presbyterian Church (“The After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics”), David French, one of the course facilitators, characterizes humility, in part, as “this understanding that I could be wrong about any given issue.”

That way of thinking seems a far cry from how many, if not most, of us (myself included) think–particularly at this time in the life of our country.

Many, if not most, of us struggle to consistently engage with others with that kind of mindset–with an acknowledgement that we might be wrong, with a recognition that we do not fully understand all of the complexities of any given issue.Many, if not most, of us struggle to reliably show up in the world with this version of humility.

But it is so desperately needed. And for us who claim to be people of faith, not only does the world desperately need it, but according to Micah, our God unquestionably requires it.

So how do we move in that direction?

I think one way is for us to simply say those words out loud: “I could be wrong.”

And then say them again–into the mirror, to a loved one, while we’re driving, while we’re taking in the news, while we’re rehearsing our arguments in support of our clearly right views on any given topic.

“I could be wrong.”

“I could be wrong.”

“I could be wrong.”

…and then show up in the world, show up in conversations, show up in relationships, from that place, in that mental space, with that perspective guiding us. And see what happens…

And in the meantime, we can try to remember that we and “the other(s)” (whether they agree with us or dare to think differently…!) are God’s beloved. We and they are God’s beloved. Perhaps that, too, bears repeating—in the mirror, to a loved one, while we’re taking in the news, etc.

All of us, in all of our incomplete understandings and our complexity and our arrogance and our woeful lack of true humility, are fundamentally loved by God. Period. We all are God’s beloved. And that just might be enough to bind us together. Or at least give us reason to consider, “I could be wrong…”

Will you walk with me on this path toward humility? It’s so desperately needed.

Reclaiming Evangelism: The Good News

by Rev. Dr. Derrick Elliott

Come on, you can say it? I am sure you can! I help you out; Now, does that feel good? It’s not a bad word, after all! All kidding aside, in recent times, the word “evangelism” has become a controversial and, to some, an unpopular term. For many, it conjures images of aggressive proselytizing or insincere attempts to convert others. Some might say this word is pure, unadulterated hate. Don’t worry; I was once there myself early in my faith walk! This perception has led some siblings to shy away from the term altogether. However, as we reflect on our mission as followers of Christ, we must reclaim and redefine evangelism in a way that speaks to the heart of the Gospel.

From the scriptures, Jesus’ command in the Great Commission is clear: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). This call to evangelism is not about coercion or manipulation. Instead, it is about sharing the transformative love and grace received through Jesus Christ.

 At its core, evangelism is about spreading the Good News. It is about sharing our personal experiences of God’s love and grace. It offers hope, peace, and a sense of belonging to those who may feel lost or marginalized. When we share our faith authentically and lovingly, we embody the message of Jesus and invite others to experience the fullness of life that He offers.

 In addition, it is essential to differentiate between proselytizing and evangelizing. Proselytizing often involves a forceful or insistent approach to converting someone to a particular faith, sometimes disregarding the individual’s journey or beliefs. We have seen this happen in church history. Some examples are the missionary’s treatment of Native Americans, the indigenous people of Hawaii, and the enslavement of people from the African diaspora. On the other hand, evangelizing is about witnessing the love of Christ through our actions and words, inviting others to explore faith respectfully and compassionately. Evangelism is rooted in genuine relationship-building and empathy rather than persuasion and pressure.

 In  our modern context, evangelism should be reimagined as an act of love and service. It involves listening to others, understanding their struggles, and offering a message of hope that speaks to their needs. It is about building genuine relationships and demonstrating the love of Christ through our actions. As St. Francis of Assisi famously said, “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.”

 As we strive to live out our calling to evangelize, let us remember that evangelism is not about increasing church membership or winning debates. It is about sharing Jesus’s life-changing message in a humble, compassionate, and authentic way. It is about witnessing the power of God’s love in our lives and inviting others to join us on this faith journey.

 When we look into the history of the United Church of Christ, we are blessed with five historic streams that shape our identity and mission: Congregational, Christian, Evangelical, Reformed, and Afro-Christian. I am not naive about the history of some of these streams regarding evangelism. I recognize the need to address restorative justice for past wrongs and harms associated with evangelistic efforts.

However, each stream can bring some unique perspective and rich heritage that informs how we live out our faith and engage in evangelism.

 -The Congregational Stream emphasizes the local church’s autonomy and the importance of community and covenant.

-The Christian Stream focuses on the unity of all believers and the simplicity of the Gospel message.

-The Evangelical Stream calls us to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a commitment to sharing the Good News.

-The Reformed Stream reminds us of the sovereignty of God and the importance of continuous reform and renewal.

-The Afro-Christian Stream highlights African American Christians’ rich spiritual traditions and resilience, emphasizing justice, liberation, and communal worship.

 By embracing the diverse gifts and insights from these streams, we can approach evangelism with a deeper understanding and a broader perspective. This diversity enriches our witness and allows us to connect with people from various backgrounds and experiences.

 We must also acknowledge the challenge of biblical illiteracy in our society. ( I have more to say about this topic in a blog post) Many people today lack a basic understanding of the Bible and its teachings. This makes our role as evangelists (Yes, that’s you)even more critical. We are called to be educators and guides, helping others to discover the richness of Scripture and its relevance to their lives. Through thoughtful study, compassionate teaching, and living out biblical principles, we can address this gap and bring the transformative power of God’s Word to a broader audience.

 In a world that is often filled with division and despair, the message of the Gospel is more needed than ever. Let us not be afraid to embrace the call to evangelize. Let us now reclaim this word and live it out in a way that reflects the heart of Jesus. By doing so, we can bring the light of Christ into the lives of those around us and fulfill our mission to spread the Good News to all corners of the earth.

For resources, check out this link:

3 Simple Steps to Decrease Anxiety

by Kay Klinkenborg, Church of the Palms UCC

Regardless of the origins of feeling anxious or jumpy, there is short-focused exercise that can alter your current experience with a emotional response.  (Most effective with anxiety, but can be beneficial with other agitating thoughts, like obsessive thinking, fear, etc.)  

The beauty is that you can do it anytime, anywhere…even in public or a meeting and no one knows you are doing it.   It is most successful if you can step out of the room or change locations in your current room…for ‘movement’ is a key neurological component to bring about change of thoughts. 

Step One: Move some part of you body three times in a row; preferable in a different way each time.  Capture in your mind your thoughts and say them internally or aloud with each movement. 

Step Two: Look at three different things in your environment; with each object say it in your head or aloud.   

Step Three: Listen for three different sounds in your environment (it can even be your breathing); with each sound say it in your head or aloud. 

Your body…your mind…your choice. That is the motto of taking charge of emotions that are distressing you. Please note this works primarily for anxious feelings, jumpy or edgy.  I would not recommend it using it to shut down your tears if crying because of grief, a loss, or hurt feelings. This is a tool to use so you can stay focused on your tasks at hand. 

Should you find some initial relief with these three steps, repeat the three steps and go deeper into being in charge of managing your anxiety. 

Kay F. Klinkenborg, MA
Spiritual Companion
Member Spiritual Directors International
Retired: RN; LMFT; Clinical Member AAMFT
Author, poet, adult education facilitator

The Sacred Journey from Shame to Pride

by Christopher Schouten, pre-MID


Happy Pride Month! Pride evokes different emotions and memories for each of us. For some, it conjures up joyous celebrations in the streets, parks, and bars with friends and loved ones, feeling a sense of community and safety. My first big pride parade in Chicago during my early 20s was transformative. For the first time, I felt like part of the majority, not a marginalized minority. It was both safe and surreal.

Others might question the purpose of Pride, wondering if such marches are still necessary or if Pride itself is a sin in a Christian context. These are valid questions. Let’s explore them together, starting with a biblical perspective.

Sinful Pride vs. Righteous Pride

The Bible contains numerous statements about sinful pride, such as Proverbs 16:18, which warns, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” C.S. Lewis described pride as the “anti-God” state, severing the spirit from God’s life-giving presence.

However, there is also mention of “righteous pride.” Paul the Apostle, for example, speaks of a healthy kind of pride in Galatians 6:4, “Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else.” He also expresses pride in the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 7:4, “I have great confidence in you; I take great pride in you. I am greatly encouraged; in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds.”

Righteous pride encourages us to recognize and celebrate our God-given talents and achievements while remaining humble and grateful. It fosters healthy self-esteem and motivates us to use our gifts in service to others and to glorify God.

The Impact of Shame on LGBTQIA+ Individuals

For the LGBTQIA+ community, developing a sense of righteous pride can be particularly challenging. Growing up in a society that often condemns or marginalizes our identities can lead to a pervasive sense of shame and invalidation. This shame teaches us to hide our true selves and diminish our light, stifling our personal growth and depriving the world of our unique contributions.

The cost of this shame is significant. According to the Trevor Project, LGBTQIA+ youth are more than twice as likely to feel suicidal and over four times as likely to attempt suicide compared to their heterosexual peers.

Personal Experience

My journey from shame to pride has been long and arduous. I knew I was gay at 12, but the lack of positive representation and support made me hide my true self. In high school, I stayed in the closet, living in secrecy and shame, finding solace only in the acceptance of a few friends in my UCC church choir.

College brought newfound freedom and acceptance, but the damage was done. The shame I internalized in my youth continued to drive me, leading to overachievement as a coping mechanism. I sought validation through academic excellence, career success, and various accomplishments, hoping to prove my worth and avoid confronting my shame.

Overachievement and Addiction

Author Alan Downs, in “The Velvet Rage,” explains that shame often leads to overachievement and addiction in LGBTQIA+ individuals. I excelled in academics and career, learned multiple languages, and held leadership positions, all to avoid shame. Despite my successes, a deep sense of unworthiness lingered, manifesting in disproportionate anger and rage when triggered.

Addiction is another common coping mechanism. LGBTQIA+ individuals are more likely to struggle with substance abuse and process addictions like sex, gambling, or eating disorders. These addictions are often driven by the need to numb the pain of shame and seek solace.

The Role of God’s Grace

Healing from deep-seated shame and reclaiming our true selves involves embracing the transformative power of a higher power. Isaiah 43:1-4 reminds us that we are not defined by shame or judgment but are precious and honored in God’s sight. God’s unconditional love provides a foundation upon which we can rebuild our sense of self-worth.

Personal Growth Work

While God’s love is central to our journey from shame to pride, we also have personal responsibilities:

  1. Self-Reflect: Spend time in prayer and meditation, asking God to reveal your true passions and callings.
  2. Embrace Vulnerability: Share your authentic self with others to build supportive connections.
  3. Find Your Passion: Identify and pursue activities that bring you joy and are true expressions of your God-given essence.
  4. Be Your Authentic Self: Work to be your true self in all situations, rejecting the urge to hide your light.
  5. Choose Love: Embrace God’s love and extend it to your inner child, fostering healing and self-acceptance.


If you are brave enough to begin this journey of healing from shame, you deserve to live in pride every day. The journey from shame to pride is a testament to the power of God’s healing love and a unique work of art that will be your legacy to the world. Be blessed and reassured that your Creator and this community of love will be with you on your journey.