Why is FAITH significant and meaningful to you?

by Gordon Street III, SWC Commissioned Minister for Reimagining and Connecting with the God of One’s Own Understanding

In these challenging times, why is FAITH significant and meaningful to you?

To address this question, let’s ensure we all understand the essence of the word FAITH. Technically, it’s a noun, but it truly functions as a verb. It entails acting as if something is true even when there’s no concrete evidence of its existence. How do we “prove” the existence of God? St. Thomas Aquinas dedicated his entire life to attempting to prove God’s existence, and he concluded that FAITH itself serves as the proof. Paul, in Hebrews, proclaims, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Amidst the uncertainty, fear, and doubt that plague us during this pandemic, I find solace and strength in my faith. It provides me with a roadmap for navigating each day. For instance, I commence my day with a prayer for wisdom, fortitude, the willingness, and the courage to confront the challenges that lie ahead. I also extend my prayers to the world, my family, my church/ conference , and my friends, seeking their well-being and guidance in all their endeavors. Above all, I pray that God’s will be done in their lives as well as mine.

Furthermore, I make it a daily practice to reach out to others and offer my words of hope and encouragement.

In essence, I pray for my own faith, and the rest of my prayers encompass the needs and aspirations of everyone else. I shift the focus away from myself.

Faith serves as a guiding principle, guiding me through each day, each hour, and each minute. It commences with prayer.

I leave you with this thought:

Faith doesn’t guarantee that everything will be alright, nor does it guarantee that we’ll win the lottery. God doesn’t necessarily make everything better. However, God grants us the willingness, strength, and courage to confront whatever we are facing. God is with us, embracing us through it all, especially during challenging times. We can find comfort in knowing that we are not alone in our struggles.